Friday, December 6, 2019
The Australian Financial Review and the Australian
Question: Discuss about theAustralian Financial Review and the Australian. Answer: Introduction: The media print and newspaper were earlier to people had been main information source have recently become for the organizations a profit making tool. Therefore, the way in which the publications editorial staff quite easily changes the picture related to truth is fascinating. This editorial in particular demonstrates the way in which truth has been manipulated by print media for organizations benefit related to 7-Eleven wage fraud case. The company 7-Eleven in Australia has more than 615 stores and happens to be largest chain of convenience store with sales generated to tune of $3.6 million. Hence, this report according to materials and facts collected from appropriate sources therefore challenges this case related to wage abuse is because of bad governance and partnership agreement that is biased (Williams, 2008). This agreement suggests gross profit in ratio of 57% and 43% that are shared by head office and franchisees. This important issue related to wage fraud systematically conducted with two perspectives that these two newpapers present to people differ who read these articles. Nevertheless, these both articles have target audiences those are different with reactions related to situation of Wage abuse. The Australian Financial Review Article (AFR) This Adele Ferguson article as complied provides the bad governance and the unethical practices related to work culture in the 7-Eleven company. The major Financial Review readership happens to be largely the tertiary educated people within 35-64 age groups. These readerships based on income groups have been segregated with largest readership coming from group those earn 130K+ more income yearly. The decision makers are executives, the investors sophisticated and people promoting the national prosperity makes particularly the readership for the newspaper (Ferguson, 2015). Further, this readership based on different platforms like websites and mobiles are scattered that helps them with least margin error rate towards their facts publishing. The 25-34 age groups consists next largest readership with earnings averaging 130 K. Thus based on the readership statistics provides clearly evidence regarding AFR writers playing an important role with decision makers. This article tries to provide importance of the issue that exists in systematic abuse of economic and the legal implications. Based on solely the economical angle it provides that this pay fraud happens to rob monetarily the government. Due to lower income, the employee pays lesser taxes to the government with also lower spending as per his requirement. The importance of consumer expenditure that helps nations economy is a fact well known. The strict governance practices that Financial Review follows to ensure there are no errors towards reporting of facts. The article with stating the facts source by reporter in the article published practiced the ethical code related to the conduct of this article. As per example, here in the article as with figures, facts that through Fair Work Ombudsman substantiated. With usage of digital media support, the other truth facet is made known equally to its readers by the publication. However, other example in which Michael Fraser said in an intervi ew that enough substantiated evidence has been gathered that opposes the Franchisee works when trying to provide these facts to head office. The fact that head office did not take it seriously and looked other way as per the article proves that through governance strict enough the publication intends to provide the Audience with necessary facts. The Financial Review policy of governing is better as it intends towards making their readers aware related to figures, the facts that are applicable to industries and its effect towards market. The investors those are truly small takes these seriously with gathering every available information that help in sound investment. Hence, financial review persists towards existing in print media, which helps to collect every data and facts before presenting the same for their readers. This situation in particular made the reporter reveal organization characteristics that are slacking. The organizations brand value is not only affected by this but shareholders too are affected. The fact that 7-Eleven share market price dropped in NYSE from $38 to low as $24. This is to bring forth that in Financial Review the addressed issue provides that this publications editors put forth the facts those shall in the places darkest bring light. This contrast is critical with the way information is provided to readers. The Australian Newspaper Article This article based on the writing of Rachel Baxendale in the Australian highlights related to how the company 7-Eleven is working towards amending the wage fraud processes. The admittance of the fact regarding the existence of this irregularities related to pay rate, the company 7-Eleven has been opposing strongly with the extent that the fraud scandal been spread. The Australian lower governance has depicted with the statement that happened to be provided at first. The steps towards the verification of the statements by the reporter were not taken before publishing the same (Baxendale, 2015). These research skills those are poor provides the fact that newspaper in sticking to the facts does not follow policies strict those can be enforced. The print media that is popular that is Australian newspaper has captured a major portion of the general masses as its readers. This paper having audience base close to 3, 30,000 readers weekly and in the weekends has 6, 86,000 readers base. The n ewspaper Australians readership easily may be segregated into two groups based on age factors with Age group above fifty and the group within 25-49 age groups. This medium of print in these both groups of age is popular with more members in first age group. This Australian based on the income group could not be segregated appropriately since every income group from high and low everybody likes this newspaper to read. This publications readership in though in current times suggests that there is a shift onto other platforms like digital and mobile (Sullivan Percy, 2009). The fact that the general public mindset is shaped with the direction that is especially based on the Australian readership in particular ways. The contrast here in this The Australian newspaper with that of the Financial review is that this paper provides with positivity of the company 7-Eleven than the other. Here particularly the reporter tries to give based on the story the theatrics that intends to convey on the employees of the company with feelings woeful. These reporting will help to increase readership of newspaper. Nevertheless, this is looked as bad governance in spite of the evidences that are procured by the four corners, the Fairfax media and other sources, which editors does not understand and therefore fails towards recognizing behind the story with facts and truths. The Australian newspaper provides that reporter here is tilted more on the aspect that is positive towards situation for lighting with alluding other side story (Stuhmcke, 2008). Therefore, questions rela ted to ethics come like whether providing the public with half-truth is ethical or not. This is demonstrated with since the article with the bad governance depiction has not given relevance to the scandal or frauds prior findings. However, the other face of the article, which depicts bad governance, provides with fact that by simply transcribing statements the reporter without thoroughly cross checking the same has given to the publication these articles. The publications editorial board might be seeking the advantage related to the large readership existing with alluding evidence further with explaining in first place this wage fraud. Conclusion Both of the print media articles published are around the wage fraud abuse related to 7-Eleven. Nevertheless, the writers perspectives related to these both newspapers are differentiated based on the readership of the newspaper. These writers differing perceptions provides readers with light regarding the subject that the publication looks to focus upon. This example in particular provides that financial review is focused more towards business and the Australian gives much generic point of view regarding this incident. The trend based on which these articles are written and has been published has been justified with the fact regarding the differing target audience and different demographic segments of the publication. This article provided in The Australian gives generic view regarding wage fraud that targets general masses in 25-54 age group with wider market target base. Nevertheless, based on the perspective related to governance this article is not intensely researched before being published. As per interviews, those done by Fairfax media along with whistle-blower on the Head office related to 7-Eleven suggests despite knowing regarding exploitation were not able to take corrective actions. This provides that reporters do not have belief towards following strict practices related to ethics at The Australian. This is demonstrated with the acceptance regarding publishing of the fact that there was negligible transparency of Head office in payroll system. The Financial review article gave facts with strong numbers and reporters collected data enough with analyzing them before they are published. The reporter based on perspective related to governance is increasingly in publishing their findings ethical. In financial sector such facts, figures are most critical for decision makers. However, the Australian has power to provide its reader, particular perspective related to an issue. Nevertheless, other thing that needs consideration is related with editor in chiefs decision towards publishing such article. Is it poor judgment or bad governance? On the other hand, whether it is ethics question where justified to provide perspective bias regarding particular issues to its millions readers. This gives the learning that newspapers try to relate the stories to their audience with what they are interested. The ethics with providing the facts to their audience often are manipulated with the business needs of the organization becoming primary. The reporters therefore to capture the audience base reflect upon the story in ways that interests their audience. However, it is required that true facts are presented to the readers that will help the society and the ethical conduct that will in long term help the newspapers and the business both. References Baxendale, R. (2015). 7-Eleven: The buck stops with us, says chairman Russ Withers.The Australian. Chapman, B. (2011). Some Observations on Wage-Setting Practices in The Australian Labour Market System. Australian Journal Of Management, 18(4), 161-175. Ferguson, A. (2015). 7-Eleven: Wage abuse claims puts scrutiny on Fair Work response.Financial Review. Stuhmcke, A. (2008). Changing Relations between Government and Citizen: Administrative Law and the Work of the Australian Commonwealth Ombudsman. Australian Journal Of Public Administration, 67(3), 321-339. Sullivan, M. Percy, M. (2009). Concise Reporting in Australia:Has the Concise Report Replaced the Traditional Financial Report for Adopting Companies?. Australian Accounting Review, 17(66), 40-47. Williams, R. (2008). Wage Effects on the Volume of Unpaid Work in Nuclear Australian Households. Australian Economic Papers, 47(4), 91-105.
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